Americanism Essay Reminder
Be sure to follow up with the schools you work with to
pick up the essays. Make sure you follow the various
deadlines in your Department, make sure your
first-place winners are sent to your Division Chairman
by April 15th.
For details on the Americanism Essay Contest, visit
The Americanism Essay Contest was created to teach
students the value of patriotism and what it means to
be Americans. Thousands of students participate in the
program each year and help promote a lifelong respect
of our flag and country.
Students (grades 3 to 12) explore the fundamental
rights and freedoms we enjoy today. Each year’s contest
has a different theme; one student in each category per
division is awarded a prize. There is a category for
students with special needs.
Current Essay Theme:“What does America the
Beautiful mean to me (regarding veterans and our
February: Americanism Month
Black History Month
February 3rd – Four Chaplains Day
February 4th – USO Birthday
February 9th-15th – National Salute
to Veteran Patients
February 17th – Presidents Day
February 19th – U.S. Coast Guard
Upcoming Dates in February
•Recognize Essay Contest winners with an award.
•Contact your local news to attend the award ceremony.
(make sure you get the parents approval)
•Invite winners to read their entry at your Unit meeting.