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Scholarship - National Headquarters

Greetings from National Headquarters!

Happy New Year! 

It is that time of year again! Scholarships are coming! Below is a link for your department to fill out regarding who your one appointee is to receive all the scholarship information. This email is being sent to all Dept. Presidents, Secretaries, and Education Chairs, but each department only needs to complete the Formstack ONCE. 

This Formstack must be filled out by January 31, 2025. Please complete this Formstack to supply ONE contact to receive these applications. They will be sent to only one email address per department and this designated person is in charge of sending them to the scholarship judging committee. Each department should have a panel of judges that review the scholarships. These judges do not need to be ALA members. It is advised to seek out people with experience judging scholarships if possible. You will need a minimum of 3 people on your panel of judges.

The scholarship judging process has changed. You will no longer be receiving the applications one at a time via email. You will be receiving one email comprised of all the applications for your department. It will take some adjusting for those of you who have had the same process up until now, but we hope this will help to avoid any missing applications and miscommunications and overall make things easier for all departments. I will be touching on the process briefly at the Quarterly Meeting tonight to give more details and answer a few questions. Detailed instructions on the process are written up and will be distributed to your one contact in early February so your judging committee can read through and will know what to do before March. 

ALL American Legion Auxiliary's national scholarship applications are online this year with a deadline of March 1, 2025. Remember to continue to promote and reach out to your units to promote our National Scholarships. We would love to give as many scholarships as possible!

  • Children of Warriors National Presidents' Scholarship

  • Spirit of Youth Scholarship

  • Non-Traditional Student Scholarship

  • Member Loyalty Scholarship

See you tonight at the quarterly meeting!


Laura Arand

Program Manager

American Legion Auxiliary National Headquarters

Phone (317) 569-4557

A Community of Volunteers Serving Veterans, Military, and their Families

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