January 2025
Hello All,
Hope you all will have an awesome New Year. Stay well and Happy.
January is Legislation, C&B,and National Security month. Please review your C&B for any changes that you need to make. If you do any changes you need to send to the C&B committee so they can keep it on file.
Raffle tickets for the Ford Mustang are still available and we sure do need to sell more so we won’t have to do anymore of this for at least 3 years. If you would like a book let me know or if you would like to purchase some let me know. They are $20.00 each and drawing is at the Convention in June.
ALA Department is looking for a new Secretary. Department needs one right away so that they can be trained and on the job before next year begins in June. If you know of anyone or are interested in this position PLEASE get in touch with Department President Cassie Johnson @ ala.cassiej@gmail.com or phone 406-765-7131. This is a paid position.
Please keep all of the Legion family in your prayers as alot of them are sick. Unit 100 recently lost Ann Sharbono. She was a Poppy making machine and a PUFL member. She will be GREATLY MISSED BY ALL!!!!!
Best wishes for a Happy New Year to you all!!!!!!
For God and Country
Jeanette Bossen
Dist.11 President