Kari Hould, President Box 1296 Malta, MT 59538
WELL...Here we are, about to embark on a new spin around the sun on page 1
of the 2025 Chapter of our life. If you are reading this, thank you for safely arriving
in the New Year. It’s so good to see your bright and smiling faces!
There are some important dates coming up that you should get on your calendar
or in your cell phone and be ready for. First, the spring date for the meetings has
been announced and Big Sandy will be hosting the Dist. 2 Mtg, further details will
be shared as they become available.
Secondly, the numbers are down for the District and we need to do better. I will
send along a report that came from the State, however, I am sure you are
probably aware of where your particular Unit is sitting or standing. Please let me
know what is needed to get things up to the standards of the state.
With that being said, to those Units out of compliance, what steps or measures
are you taking to fix the issues? For those who are not following the set guide lines
for quorum or number of meetings, what are the plans?
First few minutes into the year and I am starting to feel myself tensing up...maybe
I “presume” to know some of the answers. The question is: what will it take to bring
ALL our Units up to an acceptable standard?
Election time is rolling around...feel free to correct me... Knowing that, our
election should see some new faces taking over the leadership of the District. If
you are in a chair position that moves up, your commitment is needed. Visit with all
members of your Unit and light a fire under some of the younger members. They
are our future and greatly needed. If you haven’t served as a District officer, step
up to the leadership role and share all your ideas with us. It takes everyone
working together to keep the auxiliary active and productive. Our veterans need us
and deserve our support!
We have been gifted a quilt to raffle off and we will need to vote on raffle ideas
for fundraising. ALSO...the Department of Montana ALA is raffling off a 2000 gold
Mustang convertible that was donated...tickets are $20 each and I haven’t put this
out to any great extent with the holiday rush...I can send tickets ahead of time if
you want to get started on selling. There are cash prizes available for selling the
most tickets, etc. I will send this info out with a color picture as soon as I get to a
Letters like this one, that aren’t light and upbeat sure put a damper on my
parade, for this I do apologize...however, it had to be done.
Keep up the good work. Remember our focus is on assisting our veterans. You
know they love us, so keep up the good work! My prayers for a very special year.