Kari Hould ~ District President
October 2024 Newsletter
All the news you may not want to hear & will forget immediately
Greetings and God’s Blessing to all of you! The beautiful autumn that the Good Lord is sharing with us might be misleading & short-lived if the winds arrive and blow in coldness and that ugly word that rhymes with blow, show, flow & glow...if you get my “drift”...I am trying to ward away the one 4 letter word that just makes me shudder to think about it ~ yeah...SNOW. Well...don’t be so happy about it. Some of us like crisp leaves to walk on when we are taking a leisurely walk ‘neath the pale moon light, so let’s hold off on it for a while!
October, what a month to appreciate and remember our military serving in all walks of life. Oct. 7 is designated as Global War on Terrorism & Desert Storm Day. Oct. 13 say Happy Birthday to our Navy troops. The 14th recognizes both Columbus Day & Indigenous Peoples Day; & the 21st is Nat’l Pets for Veterans Day. On the 26th
please pray on Day of the Deployed for those we need to see come HOME! My calendar says the 27th is Navy Day, so enjoy the Navy veterans
twice this month. As the month winds down, Miss Liberty has a birthday! What an opportunity for school-age children to learn the story about her.
There are 2 deadlines approaching as well – those being Patriots Pen & the Voice of
Democracy. If this reaches you before Sunday, be sure to extend our fellow patriotic family members of the VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) happy anniversary/birthday on their 125th Anniversary of serving our country!! Way to go!!
Now, for the nitty gritty aspect of this letter. Auxiliary members, we need to the dues paid up ~ as of now, we’re in deep do-do...and membership is lagging worse than a three-legged quarterhorse in the Kentucky Derby. Needless to say, I know I need to lose weight, but having my be-hiny chewed off in a lecture is not what I had in mind. Get those dues in before the members have to re-apply for membership. Your help, assistance and action on this matter is appreciated...almost as much as it is expected. As I have said, we’re all in this boat together so everyone get those oars out and start rowing to keep this Unit from sinking. Many of you know I
have this thing about water ~ especially after our 6-yr-old had a near drowning. I have a fettish & cannot face the shower water, NOR can I walk on water unless it’s frozen about 5 feet. So, grab the oars and reach out to those who have yet to pay their dues for 2025 & you’ll be soooo darn glad you did! It will warm your heart AND mine!
As the Department Chaplain I am also asking for prayers for our sick & elderly. There are so many in need of prayer, healing and peace that my heart aches each night. My prayer request list is getting longer and longer. Ask the Lord’s blessing and grace for those who he has on His list to Call Home. We know not the day or the time nor the reason why, for it is His Plan and His Will is to be done. AND don’t forget the conference in Helena on the last Saturday...I’d like to see all of you there
for the training opportunities. It’s a bit of “potluck” for lunch & I have offered to bring dessert...if you are going and want to help in some way, my phone is 406-390-3552. (I share it & hope you won’t sell it – my car is too old for a warranty.)
Good and wonderful people ~ the gracious Lord has beautiful plans for you. Take time this month to see how many veterans you can visit with, help with errands, check in on and share a smile with. I know for a fact that each one of you have a spare one to pass around. Don’t sit back & say “I wish I woulda...” or “I coulda...or even “I shoulda...” for those three remarks are ones none of us should have to say under our breath at a funeral. God Bless you all!!!!